Dear friends, the title of this book is only apparently wrong. In fact, in the field of infectious diseases, it is not normally a pathogen that is treated, but the disease that it causes. And generally, always with regard to infectious and parasitic diseases, we are mainly concerned with killing the pathogen. Thus neglecting the message it sends us. I am certainly not the first to tell you that every disease is a message. I deeply agree with this concept and so I will repeat it: You cannot really heal if you do not solve the causes, not only of diseases, but of all the problems of life. Every problem requires a solution. The only true and definitive solution of every problem is the correction of its causes.
Dr. Vincenzo Ercole Valesi
Dr. Vincenzo Valesi is a physician experienced in homeopathy, acupuncture, homotoxicology. He is the author of various articles on the subject of natural medicines. He has written the following books: I rimedi naturali del medico di famiglia edited by Macro Edizioni, La rivoluzione alimentare e Riflessioni sul cancro, edited by Nems Edizioni. He performs divulgating and didactic activities, lectures and teaches courses on the topic of natural medicine.